Friday, April 13, 2007

Big Money from MLM?

Multi-level marketing businesses number in the thousands. A great many well-known economists are predicting that multi-level or network marketing will become the prevailing method of selling in years to come, indeed at one point in the mid 1990’s it was predicted that by the year 2000 it would be the prevailing form of business on the then fledgling internet.

Many people have joined multi-level marketing programmes and have amassed a small fortune from their hard work. Anyone with a smidgeon of ambition and a reasonable amount of energy can join a multi-level marketing programme and achieve financial freedom. The downside is that you must understand what you're doing and how to go about doing it, or you run the risk of not even covering your initial outlay.

One of the first things to be done is to research multi-level marketing business you intend to join. Ensure it's all that it appears to be, and that its payments to you are on a regular basis and that the merchandise shipping policy meets your requirements. Another commonsense check is to make sure the business concerned is financially stable...

Be sure that the product you're promoting has a large niche in the market. Will it sell itself? Does it have that ‘must have’ quality? Many well-meaning copywriters advise you to select a product, develop a selling strategy and then to work on your strategy. But, this will only put you into the shoes of an over worked shop assistant. One group of products that will sell themselves, and for which there is a global demand, is information products, especially information that explains to people wanting to make money, how to do just that.

Another consideration is ‘ Will this adapt to a mail order?’ This is an important consideration simply because selling via mail is probably one of the most inexpensive and efficient methods of selling there is.

Now we come to actual promotion of your chosen product. You need to write eye-catching headlines and compelling copy followed by the call to action. The source of inspiration for this can be found in trade magazines, newspapers and on the internet. To get good promotional ideas look for advertising for similar products, and if it catches your imagination and makes you want to buy adopt it, but be careful not to breach any copyright.

The next step is to acquire a mailing list of 10,000 or so opportunity seekers, create your initial advertising materials to whet the appetites of the recipients. Then do a test mailing of about 500. If this proves to be satisfactory then send the follow up sales letter to the original 500 and mail to the rest of the list. Mailing lists can be rented from many sources but remember that you want a mailing list of people who have bought or shown interest in a similar product to the one you are promoting.

So how do you convert a multi-level programme into real riches?

1. Research
2. A good product
3. Good advertising copy
4. A targeted mailing list
5. Test mailing
6. Full mailing
7. Patience.


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