Sunday, April 8, 2007

Joining a Network Marketing Company(MLM)

You may decide that you want to join a Network Marketing company, also known as a multi-level marketing company, MLM or direct marketing company. Some people still have an adverse reaction to Network Marketing companies. Perhaps the reason for this is when the industry was new, many of the first companies had old and outmoded business systems which required the Network Marketer to stock products and drag their friends to meetings. Not any more. Modern technology, and particularly PC Power, has allowed people to enter this business whe never could before. The industry has changed considerably. The new Network Marketing companies are what is called Wave 3 and some of the bigger Corporations such as AT&T are taking notice of it and giving the the Industry a lot of crediblity. In fact it may be the wave of the future. These days, instead of dragging someone you know to a meeting that they may not want to attend, you could just give them a professional audiocassette provided by the company which will help to recruit them. Or give them literature such as brochures about the Opportunity and the Products.

A conference call with you sponser could seal the deal and BAM, you have a distributer. The company will then generally handle or greatly help with training. You can check your stats online to see how much you are making in commissions and see how you organization is doing. It is easier than ever to make a large residual income utilizing Network Marketing. It is actually one of the best ways to grow a business because the business system is excellent and unlike a Franchise operation, the start up costs are very low, usually under $500. There is the misconception among some people that a Network marketing company is similiar to a pyramid scheme. But this is simply not true. Actually, the corporate world may the real pyramid scheme when you consider the odds of earning more money than any of your superiors is virtually zero. They just will not allow it to happen. But to earn more than your sponser is a common occurence in a Network marketing Company. By some estimates, more millionares are created through network marketing than any other business system. Some may remember an interview on the "Late Night with David Latterman" show when Letterman asked Donald Trump what he would do if he lost all his money and had to start over. He replied that he would find a good Network marketing company and get to work.


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